VO & Mix
Each vehicle is unique: Marco Barkanowitz and his team in Germany put spectacular eye-catchers on the road. The “King of Trucks” buys highway colossi like the Peterbilt 379, the Freightliner Coronado or the Kenworth W990 in North America. After the test drive, the vehicles weighing several tons are shipped across the Atlantic and adapted to the local technical regulations in the local workshop. And that’s not all: the guys from “American Truck Promotion” pimp the US classics in Cottbus with fancy chrome parts on top of that – exactly according to the customers’ wishes. From the individually designed driver’s cab to the exhaust pipes: For each project, the truck experts realize a thematic concept. Bold “pipes” are part of the basic equipment. This series shows lifestyle with 590 hp.

Source: dmax.de

Runtime: 1×44 Minutes
Episode: Season 1, Episode 6
VO: Engelbert von Nordhausen

King of Trucks


Story House Productions GmbH

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